Fifteen miles west of Farmington,
New Mexico, where highway slices through a huge ridge near the
town of Waterflow, is the Hogback Trading Post, established in
1871 by Joseph Wheeler. Over the years the two-story octagonal
building has served as a bank, mercantile store, and livestock
brokerage. The original post still stands across the highway,
surrounded by old machinery at the foot of the Hogback monocline.
The words Indian Curios are still faintly visible
between the broken windows.
This image harkens back
to an early time when trading was an active part of every day
life for most Navajos. An important event has just taken place,
or is about to, as a father leads his young daughter on horseback
dressed in her ceremonial clothing - probably as a result of
her womanhood rites, or Kinaldaa. Hyrum has really captured
the spirit of this important event and the relationship between
the two figures. The detail is self evident, and the use of shadow
gives life to the painting.